Return, Exchange and Refund Policy Returns:
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your product, we accept returns within 15 days of delivery. The product must be in its original condition and unused. The return shipping cost is the responsibility of the customer. Once we receive the returned product, we will refund the full amount of the product, excluding the original shipping cost.
Exchanges: If you need to exchange a product, please contact us so we can check if we have the desired product in stock. If we have, we will send you the new product as soon as we receive the original returned product. The original product must be in its original condition and unused. The cost of shipping the exchange is the responsibility of the customer.
Refunds: If for some reason we cannot fulfill your order or if there is a problem with the product received, we offer the option of a full refund of the amount paid. Please contact us immediately so that we can resolve the issue.
Responsibility: We undertake to ship your products in the best possible condition. However, we are not responsible for damage that may occur during shipment. If you receive a damaged product, please contact us immediately so we can resolve the issue. We hope that our return, exchange and refund policy has been clear and detailed. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us via our website or email. We appreciate your confidence in us.